Contact Us
For general Information: info@brazilcenter.orgPerformers/Presenters: eduardo.mendonca@brazilcenter.orgVendors:
ana.mendonca@brazilcenter.orgSocial Media:
samantha.areliz@brazilcenter.orgPress Release:
laprates@gmail.comDonations/Sponsorship opportunities:
info@brazilcenter.orgBrasilFest is produced by:Seattle Center Show Brazil Productions www.showbrazil.comBrazil Center Org
Your Donation Will Keep BrasilFest Alive! BrasilFest Happens Every Year Because of Amazing Community SupportMake an immediate gift or a monthly pledge to BrasilFest in the following ways:* Amazon Smile: Support BrasilFest through Amazon Smile! When you use the link below, you can shop with the added benefit to our nonproft organization. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to BrasilFest.* BrasilFest Volunteering your time: BrasilFest holds several events throughout the year where we need volunteer! Please, see our Volunteer page for opportunities and to become part of our volunteer base.* In-kind giving: At BrasilFest, we are always in need of donated art supplies and in-kind printing and design services. Please, contact BrasilFest for a list of current in-kind needs.* Donors & Sponsorship opportunities: Are available for donors, individuals or business. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at info@brazilcenter.orgBrazil Center and BrasilFest is funded by grants, foundations, and independent gifts from donors like you.