Your Donation Will Keep BrasilFest Alive! BrasilFest Happens Every Year Because of Amazing Community Support
Make an immediate gift or a monthly pledge to BrasilFest in the following ways:
* Amazon Smile: Support BrasilFest through Amazon Smile! When you use the link below, you can shop with the added benefit to our nonproft organization. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price to BrasilFest.
* BrasilFest Volunteering your time: BrasilFest holds several events throughout the year where we need volunteer! Please, see our Volunteer page for opportunities and to become part of our volunteer base.
* In-kind giving: At BrasilFest, we are always in need of donated art supplies and in-kind printing and design services. Please, contact BrasilFest for a list of current in-kind needs.
* Donors & Sponsorship opportunities: Are available for donors, individuals or business. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at
Brazil Center and BrasilFest is funded by grants, foundations, and independent gifts from donors like you.